Explore Glorious Theater


Glorious Theater is Christian theater art that encourages and teaches its members , youths and teenagers how to showcase and make good use of their acting skills and talents in the church and in the society. It is a Drama department of the Assemblies of God Church Obele, Bayelsa State. However, we are here to show to the world our talents of acting, win souls to God's kingdom, evangelise and seek financial support, material support, prayers, advice and also recruit new members.

About Us

Showcase God's Glory!!! 


Beloved, Welcome to the official Blog of Glorious Theater of Assemblies of God Church, Obele
A full time drama department of Assemblies of God Church, Nigeria, Bayelsa District, Obele Street


Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:15, I Cor.9:22

In this full time drama department, experience we have been absolutely convinced that God really prepared Glorious Theater as a great instrument of salvation and revival for this new millennium. In the course of these few years of revival, crusades, missions and soul winning.

The Lord has taken us through many grounds and yet we are able to testify that the way of the Lord is perfect. We were greatly encouraged to intensify our efforts by the response and testimonies of the move of the Holy Spirit at the various churches we have ministered, and by the number of souls revived, won and reconciled unto God and by words of encouragement and supports from those ministers of God who believed and shared the vision with us.

Over the years drama (theatre) has been interpreted as entertainment, so little recognition was bestowed on evangelical drama. But we are sure that God in His infinite wisdom raised drama evangelism for His end-time programme of winning the sinners and expansion of His kingdom. We are in the Drama and Film ministry to fulfill God’s purpose as a vessel unto honour.

1. By saving the lost through drama evangelism.
2. To equip the saints for end-time harvest.
3. To evangelize the whole world through anointed drama ministration.
4. To revive the backsliders through power packed drama.
5. To warn and exhort the believers through stage and electronic media.
6. To expose the secrets of darkness, world, satan and his cohorts.
7. To populate the kingdom of God via drama evangelism Acts 26:18.
8. To wake up the sleeping giants churches Eph.5:4, Rom 13:11
9. To create and Foster Unity among churches of Christ World wide – Jn 17:18.
10. To raise an able army for the Lord through drama and film productions.

The aim and objective of the Glorious Theater is to win souls, equip the saints and bring salvation, deliverance to those souls kept in spiritual bondage and held in satanic captivity through Drama Evangelism. We are in the ministry to bring about much needed end-time revival for church growth and expansion.
The Lord has given us powerful and anointed stage drama messages coupled with aggressive and violence prayer that can give the church of God total liberation and revival that transcend the glory of God.
We are delighted to extend our services to your church and ministries as part of our aim in fulfilling our God given vision and mandate. We are ready to reach out to the needs of your congregation and that of your targeted audience and prospects during your various programmes. Visit us today at our Church.

Our primary aim or mission is nothing more than "touching souls, ministering to them, exposing the truth about God's Kingdom, exposing the Devil and his kingdom and also Evangelizing and winning souls to God's Kingdom through our acting and dramatizing as a medium of Showcasing God's glory with the talent that he has bestowed on us.
Below are some of our stage Drama Titles that can be a blessing to your congregation.
1. What is Thy Profit
2. A call to Arise
3. The Prodigal son
4. Accuser of the Brethren
5. Missing Link.
6. Heathen gods.
7. Total Deliverance.
8. Too late to Cry
9. Whom To Serve
10. Book Of Life etc


The Glorious Theater is a multi-dimensional para-church department established to serve the entire body of Christ in fulfilling the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are in the ministry to faithfully compliments the efforts of various ministries, churches, fellowships and missions for the effective propagation of the gospel through drama evangelism and film productions.

Glorious Theater is an evangelistic ministry deeply involved in drama evangelism with the sole aim of finding and saving the lost and equipping the saints for end-time harvest. Our purpose is to populate the kingdom of God and rescue as many as possible from satanic jaw. We have privileged to minister in many churches , fellowships, ministries and various Christian pragrammes within Bayelsa ;

Members, Ministers of churches where we’ve ministered always testify to our uncompromising position in the pursuit of excellence.
Our services are well structured to benefit its existing and prospective churches. Glory be to God who anointed us and call us into the ministry, souls has been won to God’s kingdom, many churches has been planted, fellowship formed in campuses and higher institutions.
The Lord has used our ministry to wake up some giants sleeping, passive congregation all to His glory. Our ministry is wholly dedicated to the course of evangelical drama production, we are well equipped with members who have strong passion and vision for drama ministry.
As members of Glorious theater, we are all equipped Spiritually by the Holy - Ghost against any form of battle that the Devil may begin or his agents, God has enlighten us, Strengthen us, and Empower us to put the Enemy and his activities to shame. Hence the Holy - Ghost is our Backbone.

We offer full internet services on the internet with functional e-mail and website facilities. 
Below Are Some Of The Available Titles In Our Resources Center.
ü Attaining greater heights in Christian Film Production
Christian drama as a tool of evangelism and church growth.
ü Impact of Christian drama on the mission field.
ü Making maximum impacts in drama ministry
ü Wisdom for excellence in drama and film ministry
ü Anointing for exploits in Christian drama
ü Drama minister, his ministry, message, and audience
ü Beauty of stage drama
ü ABC of film productions
ü Secrets of powerful drama ministration
ü Film finance, budget control and financing.
ü Vision, purpose and pursuit in drama ministry
ü Biblical & Balance drama ministry
ü A-Z of quality of film production
ü Producing quality audio drama.
ü Beauty of Drama tracts


The need for the body of Christ to be efficient and productive has never been greater, regardless of size, geographical locations, large and small churches are today confronted with a myriad of issues, lack of expansion, dis-integration, lukewarmness and others.

To remain ahead, churches, fellowships must continue to optimize their process to improve their services and programmes, we have a strategic outlook to provide service to churches to achieve their mission and vision of expansion. The Anointing of God upon the Glorious Theater coupled with the outreach experience and training ensures that we give value to churches and ministries that request for our ministerial services.


There is no doubt that we are at the end-time and all the Bible prophesy concerning the end time are coming to pass, devil and his cohorts are daily organizing satanic network to work against the true church of God.
The world population is increasing daily. The devil is building up an impregnable iron wall against the world evangelization. Drama evangelism is one of the growing wave of evangelism and mission activity that could result in the great commission being fulfilled in this generation.
Nowadays churches should embrace the potent weapons of drama evangelism to meet his spiritual desire i.e. church expansion, church planting, total evangelism, mission awareness and other evangelism oriented programmes.
The Lord in His infinite wisdom deliberately reserved Christian drama evangelism and film production to the end-time to counter evil effects of secular occultism, traditional drama that has eat deep into the fabrics of believers and non believers throughout the world.

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